Jaded Artist offers a variety of video services, from digital video creation to simple editing.
Most video development costs no more than $500, and you will have your product within three days of payment.

If you video shot on location, Jaded Artist can do that as well, for $100 per hour. Clear communication of your ideas in the beginning of the video design process will be important to produce a video satisfying your expectations.

Social Media Video Creation
Digital Video Creation,
produced within three days of payment: $500
on location video creation rates are an additional $100 per hour. Save money by providing video
you have shot.

$100 per hour

Commercial Media Video Creation
Digital Video Creation, produced within two weeks of payment: $3,500
on location video creation rates are an additional $300 per hour. Save money by providing video
you have shot.
$300 per hour

Other Digital Video Services
If additional digital video creative services are required, Jaded Artist will quote you a price.
Let’s volley ideas about your project and polish your brand. Email me at jadedartistmedia@gmail.com.